A Discrete Diffusion Process

The goal of this post is to simulate a discrete diffusion process. We're going to do this with a regular CPU serial programming implementation, and then accelerate and parallelise with Numba.

Problem Statement

We are given a 2-dimensional grid with points $(i,j)$, such that $i,j\in {1,\dots, N }$, and start with an initial distribution $u_0 (i,j)$ of function valus on the grid points. The distribution process follows the following recurrence relation:

$$ u_{n+1}(i,j) = \frac{1}{4}[u_n(i+1, j) + u_n(i-1, j) + u_n(i, j+1) + u_n(i, j-1)] $$

The following boundary conditions are also applied:

  • $ u_n(i, 0) = u_0(i, 0) $
  • $ u_n(i, N+1) = u_0(i, N+1) $
  • $ u_n(0, j) = u_0(0, j) $
  • $ u_n(N+1, j) = u_0(N+1, j) $

CPU Code

The way this will work is we can evaluate the entire grid for a single diffusion step. Then, we can call this function for each iteration we wish to have. Here's the function:

CPU Code

import numpy as np

### Regular Python Function ###

def diffusion_iteration(un):
    Perform one diffusion step for all given grid points.
    un : numpy.ndarray
        Numpy array of type `float64` and dimension (N + 2, N + 2) that stores the
        function values at step n.
    This function returns a Numpy array of dimension (N + 2, N + 2) of type `float64`
    that contains the function values after performing one step of the above diffusion
    n = np.shape(un)[0] - 2 # we set n = (N + 2) - 2 = N
    result = np.copy(un)
    ## Distribution Process for each cell not on the boundary 
    for i in range(1,n+1):    # Note: indices range from 1 to n to exclude the boundary cells
        for j in range(1,n+1): 
            # Taking the average of the four surrounding grid points
            result[i,j] = (un[i+1, j] + un[i-1, j] + un[i, j+1] + un[i, j-1])/4
    return result

The function is straight forward but obviously it will take a long time if $N$ is big. I think this function's time-complexity is $O (N^2)$, so run time will increase exponentially with $N$.

Accelerating with Numba

We can accelerate our previous function so that it can handle larger values of $N$. This is still a serial programming implementation, but at least it will be faster. We can do this with the @njit decorator, and the rest of the function will be the same.

Numba Serial Programming

from numba import njit, prange

### Serial Numba Implementation ###
    ## The only difference with this function is the addition of @njit decorator

def diffusion_iteration1(un):
    Perform one diffusion step for all given grid points.
    un : numpy.ndarray
        Numpy array of type `float64` and dimension (N + 2, N + 2) that stores the
        function values at step n.
    This function returns a Numpy array of dimension (N + 2, N + 2) of type `float64`
    that contains the function values after performing one step of the above diffusion

    n = np.shape(un)[0] - 2 # we set n = (N + 2) - 2 = N
    result = np.copy(un)
    ## Distribution Process for each cell not on the boundary 
    for i in range(1,n+1):    # Note: indices range from 1 to n to exclude the boundary cells
        for j in range(1,n+1): 
            result[i,j] = (un[i+1, j] + un[i-1, j] + un[i, j+1] + un[i, j-1])/4
            # Taking the average of the four surrounding grid points
    return result

Parallelise with Numba

The Numba accelerated implementation is better than the regular serial implementation, but we can make it run faster still. We can parallelise the computations using Numba's prange function in the outermost loop.

Parallel Numba Programming

## Parallel Numba Implementation

@njit(['float64[:,:](float64[:,:])'], parallel = True)
def diffusion_iteration2(un):
    Perform one diffusion step for all given grid points.
    un : numpy.ndarray
        Numpy array of type `float64` and dimension (N + 2, N + 2) that stores the
        function values at step n.
    This function returns a Numpy array of dimension (N + 2, N + 2) of type `float64`
    that contains the function values after performing one step of the above diffusion

    n = np.shape(un)[0] - 2 # we set n = (N + 2) - 2 = N
    result = np.copy(un)
    ## Distribution Process for each cell not on the boundary 
    for i in prange(1,n+1):    # Note: indices range from 1 to n to exclude the boundary cells
        for j in range(1,n+1): 
            result[i,j] = (un[i+1, j] + un[i-1, j] + un[i, j+1] + un[i, j-1])/4
            # Taking the average of the four surrounding grid points
    return result


Here's a visualisation for the diffusion process. I used $N=100$. For my initial distribution $u_{0} (i,j)$, I have points within a central circle with radius $r=25$ to have values 1000 (i.e $u_{0} (i,j)= 1000 $ if $i, j \in \{ (i,j) \mathrel{} | \mathrel{} i^2 + j^2 \leq 625 \}$ )